Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day Six: Sobriety Test

Poor John Silver the cyborg went out partying and now has been pulled over by the police, who ask Johnny boy to walk a straight line.  Can our cyborg complete this task without waving to and fro?  Yes, yes he can.

The challenge from last class involved modifiying our earlier line following program so that it would waver side to side as much.  We wanted the cyborg to go straight when the line was straight and turn when the line turned.  In doing so, we wanted John Silver to detect the line differently.

We told John to go straight, until one of the sensors touched black.  Then John would turn in that direction, until his sensor hit white.  Then Johnny would go straight again.  Here is what the Pico Blocks looked like.

The simple directions, left, right, straight.

The overall look at the sequence of instructions.

Now here is Mr. Silver walking his straight line, before being released to drive away.  Although when he's walking the sobriety line, isn't he technically driving then?

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