Friday, October 8, 2010

Day Seven: Tower of Terror Elevator Boxes

We've finally started to play with LEGOs.  The task seemed simple enough.  Create a box big enough to hold two weighted LEGO pieces.  Secure it together using a technique we learned in class (pegs and plates) as well as your own unique design.  The strategy to this task came with the second condition your box must encompass.  The box must contain the weights and fall two meters to the ground, without breaking.

Two meters doesn't seem that high, but when the LEGOs crashed to the ground, withstanding a two meter drop seems practicably impossible.  My first box failed epically when it made its impact with the earth.  It was back to the drawing board, but I had a better game plan this time around anyway.  I'd try to make the box a little smaller and not as big, hoping that this would allow for it to be a stronger box, less likely to break.

This strategy actually worked well.  The second drop resulted in less pieces falling off.  I tweeked a few conncections and tried a third time.  Third time's the charm and I declared victory.  Here's what my box looked like.

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