Friday, November 5, 2010

Day Three: Raise the Roof!!

     Today, I finished the ceiling of the Chamber of secrets/floor of the Great Hall, which will be directly on top of the chamber.  My partner was absent, so I focused on just trying to get the structure right.  I actually just started marking where i'd need to leave opening's in the wall where the windows should go.  The ceiling/floor took a little of time, but I enjoy putting this LEGO construction together.  I'm really excited for how this project will turn out.  Because our project really has more physical contruction than computer/program constructing, we look to have a lot of stuff accomplished.  Depending on how my work load goes this weekend, I may try to get in and finish the great hall. 
     After that is accomplished, we'll only have one more room to complete for the minimum design.  Although, I could very easily see us creating five rooms instead of the original three. It'd be really cool if we could get a total of seven with each room featuring a different main event in each of the books then colmenating ina final battle of sorts.  We're still trying to find out what/how we'd like to create the final battle, considering it would need to be epic. 
    Another question for next time is what is the outside of the Basilik going to be covered in?  I don't remember who, but one of my classmated pointed out that whatever material we used would need to be able to flex with the Basilisk's jerky movements.  Tells you how much I at least hadn't thought about it.  If we could find an ugly looking greenish sock, that could work.  With my sewing skills I could take it around enough give it some shape, and the sock material would allow the mechanism to stretch and recoil.  I don't know, its food for though at the very least.
   The sad news is that since I needed to be elsewhere right after class, I forgot to take pictures, so no pictures this time, but I'll be sure to get some for next blog and show how far we've then gone in two class periods.  Expect a very boxy great hall/and large creepy basement.

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